Literally meaning "notebook" and published by the Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM) High Technical School of Architecture (ETSAM) Composition Department, it is a journal dedicated to the Theory and History of Architecture, fundamentally modern and contemporary. Teaching and research papers are compiled in it for the benefit of resident students and professors alike, as well as for any interested collectives outside the school body such as scholars of the particular themes talked.
Unlike other publications or its kind, the Cuaderno de Notas has a flexible and variable format, with the papers incorporating synoptical tables specially elaborated for the journal, annotated translations of texts not published in Spanish and, of course, conventional articles as well.
Papers submitted by doctoral students, when of particular interest, may also be included.
Cuaderno de Notas fullfils all the scientific publication criteria adopted by the Spanish National Agency for the Researching Activity Evaluation (CNEAI).
It is included in the following data base and platforms:
- SCOPUS. Index prepared by group ELSEVIER
- DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals
- MIAR, Matrix of Information for Analysis of Scientific Journals.
- REDIB (Iberoamerican Net for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge). Includes the former e-Revistas (Open Acces Platform of Spanish and Latinamerican Online Scientific Journals) of CSIC.
- Dialnet, Spanish data base of Scientific Journals. La Rioja University.
Inclusion accepted (progressive updating in online data bases) in:
- Latindex.
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, Columbia University N.Y.
- Crossef
- Clarivate. Emerging Sources Citation Index
Besides the usual one-time features, Cuaderno de Notas presented in the first 13 issues a number of theme series through the succesive publication of related articles. Our most important theme series so far have been the following:
- Picturesque Garden and Architecture
- The English House
- The Deutsche Werkbund
- Modern Dutch Architecture
- Brutalism in Architecture
- Julius Posener Lessons on the History of New Architecture
- Architecture Magazines (8 en Opbuw, Wendingen, Arts & Architecture)
- Le Corbusier Documents
- Architectural Industrial Heritage (monographic issue 17)
- Architecture and Environment
Cuaderno de Notas deliberately maintains a modest but carefully elaborated format, and a limited print-run. The journal is rigorously put together on the basis of high academic criteria, and distinguishes itself through an insistence on originality and depth. Though much included in course reading lists, therefore, it does not intend to be a mere compilation of course notes.
Our "notebook" neither aims for a larger readership nor is it particularly interested in following the latest debates. As a publication whose mission it is to provide foundations and references, it focuses instead on topics and events of a relatively non-current nature.
Cuaderno de Notas is now on its twenty-one issue (see previous numbers). So far it has been made available in all the Architecture and Art History Schools of Spain, as well as in the libraries of Architectural Associations and other Cultural Institutions.
Its editors have established a regular exchange with the magazine Espacio, Tiempo y Forma of the UNED´s Faculty of Art History, and abroad with the Architecture Schools of the Netherlands, Italy and several Latin American countries.
The journal in its entirety is available online as digital edition (in POLI-RED UPM) in the following address (
Moreover a selection of articles is available when you click in previous numbers. Due to server memory limitations only a part of the total contents have been transferred.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura
Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica
Avenida Juan de Herrera n.4. 28040 Madrid
Tel: 910.67.49.60